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How to Automatically and Remotely Unlock Your LUKS-Encrypted Disks

·677 words·4 mins
Unaligned 256
Sovereign Individual


Encrypting data at rest ensures that even if your hardware is stolen or seized, the data remains inaccessible without the decryption key.

This approach enhances your security posture by ensuring that the key is not stored on the same server as the encrypted data.

Overview of the Remote Key Approach

With this solution, your LUKS-encrypted volume’s decryption key is:

  1. Stored on a remote host (e.g., your laptop) running Docker.
  2. Transferred securely over Tor using SSH.
  3. Immediately shredded from the server after use.

This ensures the key is not persistently available on the server. If the server is compromised while powered off, the encrypted data cannot be accessed without the remote key server.

Note: If the encrypted volume is already mounted when the server is compromised, the data remains accessible in plaintext. Encryption at rest only protects data when the system is powered off or the volume is not mounted.

Prerequisite: Generating a Dedicated SSH Key Pair

To set up the remote key-fetching process, generate a dedicated SSH key pair for secure communication between the LUKS server and the remote key host:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_auto -N ""

Upload the public key to the remote host’s authorized_keys file:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_auto [email protected]

Ensure the authorized_keys file is properly set up on the Docker container running the SSH server.

Setting Up the Remote Key Storage

The remote host (e.g., your laptop) serves as the storage for the decryption key. Use Docker and Docker Compose to set up a Tor hidden service and an SSH server.

Example docker-compose.yml

    build: ./tor
      - luks_key
      - type: bind
        source: ./tor/var/lib/tor
        target: /var/lib/tor
      - type: bind
        source: ./tor/etc/tor
        target: /etc/tor
      - openssh-server
    restart: unless-stopped

    hostname: openssh-server
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Etc/UTC
      - SUDO_ACCESS=false
      - PASSWORD_ACCESS=false
      - USER_NAME=luks
      - LOG_STDOUT=true
      - luks_key
      - ./conf/data/ssh:/config
      - 2222:2222
    restart: unless-stopped

    driver: bridge

After starting the services with docker-compose up -d, find the Tor hostname in ./tor/var/lib/tor/ssh/hostname.

Setting Up the Server-Side Auto-Mount

SSH Configuration

On the server with the LUKS-encrypted volume, configure SSH to use Tor for connecting to the remote host. Update ~/.ssh/config:

Host *
    Compression yes

# Tunneling .onion connections over Tor
Host *.onion
    ProxyCommand torsocks nc %h %p

# Map the .onion address to the remote key server
Host theremotehost.onion
    User luks
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_auto

Install torsocks if it’s not already available on your system.

Auto-Mount Script

Create a script ($HOME/bin/ to automate the key-fetching and volume-mounting process:



# Wait for network
for i in {1..30}
    if ping -qc1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
        sleep 1

# Fetch key, unlock volume, and mount filesystem
scp ${SSH_USER}@${SSH_REMOTE}:${KEY_FILE} . && sudo cryptsetup luksOpen "${ENCRYPTED_DEV}" "${KEY_FILE_UUID}" --key-file "./${KEY_FILE}" && sudo mount -o compress=zstd,autodefrag,space_cache=v2,noatime "/dev/mapper/${KEY_FILE_UUID}" "${MOUNT_POINT}" && shred -f "./${KEY_FILE}" || shred -f "./${KEY_FILE}"

Make the script executable:

chmod +x $HOME/bin/

Automating the Script

Schedule the script to run on boot using crontab:

@reboot /home/username/bin/

Alternatively, use a systemd service for finer control.


Ensure the following tools and dependencies are installed on the server:

  • ssh and scp
  • torsocks
  • cryptsetup
  • shred
  • ping (for network readiness checks)

Security Considerations

  1. Key Storage
    Ensure the private SSH key on the server is stored securely, ideally in an encrypted partition or another secure location.

  2. Availability Risks
    If the remote key host is unavailable (e.g., powered off or unreachable), the server cannot mount the encrypted volume. This is a deliberate security feature but requires operational awareness.

  3. Logs and Monitoring
    Monitor SSH and Tor logs for unauthorized access attempts.

  4. Fallback Options
    Retain at least one other LUKS key slot with a manual passphrase for emergencies.


By storing the LUKS decryption key on a remote host and fetching it securely over Tor, you can significantly enhance the security of your encrypted disks. This method ensures that your data remains protected even if the storage server is compromised, as long as the remote host is secure.